At RKM Communications we have firsthand experience of how to overcome PR hurdles. For team RKM, the best part is knowing how to overcome these hurdles with a solution that works. Here we discuss some common challenges we as PR professionals encounter and the most effective ways to deal with them.
Crisis Management #prcrisis
The first step in how to Overcome PR Hurdles is not to panic… Undesired situations in the media unfortunately can and do happen. A PR consultancy can to rectify any crisis calmly and draw upon their good relationships with the media. In a service business like PR the key is FOLLOW UP. At RKM we routinely have over 100 individual pieces of press a month for a client pool.
Social Media #communitymanagement
When managing a brands social media platform proactivity is imperative, but equally important and often overlooked is reactivity. The key with social media is to be as reactive as possible, responding to comments quickly and politely. If a customer makes a complaint then they need direct contact quickly to address the issue and resolve it. Unhappy customers can cause serious issues for brands on social media platforms with negative reviews and comment; it is important to do all possible to ensure that issues are resolved swiftly.
How to be creative on a low budget #budgeting
Not every brand or expert will have big budgets to roll out an integrated press and marketing campaign supported by advertising; PR consultants need to consider and be creative to come up with other launch ideas and initiatives to successfully kick-start a project and generate the share of voice. For example, hosting a soft launch party at a publishing house alongside exciting and engaging social media activities can work really well. It’s times like these when you want your PR agency to be able to help you by using their network of contacts and other services such as: venues, printers, photographers, designers and bloggers in order to really maximise the initial event.
Working with other agencies #cometogether
Collaborating with other businesses can sometimes be competitive and cause conflict; so it’s essential to act in the client’s best interest by ensuring their brand messaging is clear. Agency egos have no place in the world. Client benefit is the name of the game. RKM is an extension of every team within the client portfolio and is committed to having a launch strategy in place when representing new brands.
How to manage client expectations #problemsolved
Performing regular health checks on an account allows a PR consultancy to identify if they are on track. This can be anything from an increase in social media followers to an upturn in website traffic. It is important for the client and the PR agency to identify evaluation markers at the start and keep reviewing. So, if it’s been a tricky month securing coverage then it’s imperative there is an honest and open dialogue with clients. Not everything will work and it might be very time specific so if everyone knows what has and hasn’t worked and moreover why, then working relationships are happy successful and productive ones.